In the scope of SESAR (the Single European Sky ATM Research programme), EUROCONTROL has been responsible for research into Network Operations to support current and future European Network Management function provided by the Network Manager (NM).
As part of that research, EUROCONTROL has worked closely with ISA Software to jointly develop a validation platform that can be used to support Real-Time, Human in the Loop validation exercises for network management concepts.
Since 2016, ISA Software has been developing and maintaining the INNOVE simulation platform to ensure that it remains compatible with the bi-annual updates being made available by NM.
The INNOVE simulation platform provides full support for validation exercises with users located at their own premises and is accessible via its cloud based deployment.
Some weeks ago, ISA delivered INNOVE 23.0 and is now adapting it to be compatible with NM24.0 from June 2020.
Additional information about INNOVE are available from EUROCONTROL website.